Of the many controversial topics related to science and religion, the question “Who created God?” is one of the most popular. It’s apparent from the first glance that there can be no simple, obvious answer to resolve this question.
Looking back throughout history, discussions on who created God have been around for a long time. In the 18th century, Voltaire wrote, “If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him.”
This shows us that three hundred years ago great minds were already questioning the fundamentals of religious doctrines and trying to logically tackle the idea of what is God: if God is either objective cause of everything, or just a necessary man-made concept that patches informational ambiguity and reconciles human ignorance with our longing to know the Truth.
If you enjoy watching debates on science and religion you probably have noticed that not all questions are equally logical. The problem is that many people, especially new debaters, are so emotionally attached to their opinions and argumentation that often they don’t analyze the meaning of words and questions they discuss.
The inquiries about “who created God” or “can people have their own truth” can be compared to discussions about “dry water” and “flying dogs.” All of them are irrelevant as they stem from semantic confusion about the initial definitions of words, in this case: God and Truth (or water and dog).
Understanding that “dry water” is utter nonsense is a no-brainer; the same goes for the idea of “flying dogs.” By definition water has to be wet, and dogs cannot fly. The same goes for God and Truth. The word “Truth” by definition must be singular and independent of our individual ideas. However, interpretations of truth can be endless.
So, semantically, the statement “everyone has his or her own truth” is wrong. The correct saying would be “Everyone has his or her own interpretation of truth.”
When we look closely at the question “Who created God?” we notice the similar semantic inconsistency. Monotheistic God is defined as the singular and eternal source of all other creations, where eternal means non-created, as any creation implies the beginning.
This short semantic analysis shows that the question “who created God” is absurd as it contradicts the meaning of the word “God.”
The point is simple: before diving into controversial topics that can provoke hot debates, it is important to first brush carefully through definitions of words that will be used in arguments. It can save a lot of confusion and time.
Nov 252014
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